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Acces Token and Refresh Token

Hello we have an issue with refreshing the expired access_token. We used /token for generating access_token, along we received refresh_token. But when access_token expires and we try to generate it again using refresh token, it does not work as it says that it is already expired. It is not really clear what is the life time of the access_token and refresh_token as the expires_in field doesn't seem to be accurate. We see that expires_in field has the value of 3600 - presuming seconds it is 1h, but it is valid more then that.

After that we need to use /authorize again and we need to provide another valid code, basically to have UI interaction again. Basically we can't use the flow as service to service authentication without human interaction.

We are not sure if it is a bug in formstack token generation or we are misusing it. Can you please provide more information on the nature of the tokens(expiration time, encryption algo ) and what tool we can use similar to to test it out?
Thank you in advance.