API requests to retrieve form submissions are NOT working

We have several forms for which we call the API to retrieve form submissions that have been running OK for about 2 years. On 7/11/23, one of the forms (which contains sensitive data and is encrypted and for which we send an encryption password with the GET request) stopped working as far as retrieving form submissions. The GET request returns either of the following two messages : {"status":"error","error":"Unauthorized"} -or- {"status":"error","error":"An encryption password was not supplied"} this is what our get request looks like (calling from Powershell): .\\curl.exe -sS --request GET -H "X-FS-ENCRYPTION-PASSWORD:xxxxxxxx" --url "<https://www.formstack.com/api/v2/form/xxxxxxx/submission.json?min_time=2023-07-11> 17:16:02&data=true&expand_data=true&per_page=100" --header "Authorization: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" this request currently returns: {"status":"error","error":"An encryption password was not supplied"} Also, when I test using this form: <https://developers.formstack.com/reference/form-id-submission-get>, I get the same error result. However, note that if I remove the 'data=true' and 'expand_data=true' URL Query params, the GET request actually does work and returns no error message. However, we need these params, as otherwise we won't get the complete data for each record. Also for a period of about 3 hrs yesterday late afternoon(7/20), GET requests for submissions against all of our other forms (which are not data encrypted) also stopped working in the same manner, but at this point, seems to be working again.

Pull PDF via API

Is there a way to download a PDF of a form Submission via API?

Download submissions PDF via API

Is it possible to download the submission file through the API?

Is there a way to make the form language dynamic?

have a website that is multi-lingual and wondering if I could use the same formstack form on all languages of the website, but can't seem to find any information on getting the form itself to be able to switch language either by URL param or something else. i am NOT looking at the "language" switcher for the labels. I know that exists. I am looking more towards something that I can add to the js embed or a way for the form to auto change language based on maybe the site language

CORS error when uploading a file

I am currently embedding a Formstack for Salesforce in a Vue.js application and keep getting a CORS error when I try to upload a photo from the form. Has anyone had this problem before?

WP Data Collection

We provide [free tracking of dachser parcel online](https://letracking.com/dachser-tracking/) on our website. Users enter tracking number and then they got info about their shipment. I want to integrate form with formstack. What i want is when user enter tracking number currently it does not save in website but i want to save to for record. Is that possible using formstack?

Is there an integration developer account type?

I'm building an automation tool similar to Zapier and formstack is but one of hundreds of integrations I need to build. Is there a "test" account or something like that where I can build integrations that other formstack users can use?

Example Code Link

Hi, The example code link is dead. I am new to formstack and wanted to integrate it in my application. Can you provide a sample code so that i can try for a free trial. Thanks

Resizing the event images

Does anyone know how to make the images for the event/product larger? Thanks for your help!

Javascript for regular Formstack Forms?

Is it possible to add Javascript to regular Formstack forms? Some of the "recipes" used in the examples for how to use Javascript with Salesforce forms would be very useful for my regular formstack forms as well (see <https://help.formstack.com/s/article/Form-Settings-Overview>). Also, on a similar note, is it possible for users to create plugins? Or, are plugins only available if the Formstack devs release them? The reason I'm asking these two questions is because I would like to add more complex validation to my Formstack forms. For example, it'd be nice to have a way to enforce a policy that only one word be entered into a name field. Or, perhaps I want to have multiple questions with the same set of answers, but only allow users to use an answer only once per submission. Etc...etc...