Japanese character cannot be entered correctly after migrating to new theme

Hi, is there anybody having a same issue. The input becomes absurd.... <br> 新しいバージョンのテーマに移行したら日本語入力がうまくいかなくなりました。入力したものが、おかしな状態です。勝手に確定されたり、文字が入力されたりします。

Is there a way in a word doc to display different logos depending on a merge field data?

I need to show different logos depending on the office we are sending from. Our word doc just had the image imbedded and don't know how to display it conditionally.

Can you add a html link to the confirmation popup in formstack salesforce

We are going to use Formstack for our Webforms, We currently use Formstack in Salesforce. We want to be able to add an HTML link to another page on our website in the confirmation popup but it only lets you show the whole link and not link it to say CLICK HERE.

Can I pass dynamic confidential images as merge fields in Formstack?

Can I pass dynamic images as merge fields in Formstack? The images are not publicly accessible as those are generated in our system with customer data. I am triggering the document generation through power automate.

Insert data from excel and charts from Power BI reports in a document?

Hi, I have a document created using data from Power Query. Now I want to insert the data in an excel spreadsheet stored in a sharepoint location to the document along with few charts in power bi reports published in our powerbi workspace. How to achieve this?

Notification Emails

Currently Forms only allows up to 5 email notifications. This is very limiting. We need to be able to provide end users with notifications when different areas of the form is completed.

Power Automate Formstack Connector

When using the "When a form is submitted trigger" I am pulling attachments from the form submission table to feed into my SharePoint site. However the "FILE TYPE" is not a data point within the Power Automate data points. E.g., you use "When a form is submitted" to kick off the flow and identify the data source to pull from. I then do a parse JSON because the return payload is base64, so I use a Parse JSON action to show me the schema of the base64 output from Formstack, I can then totally id my different attributes of the form from the submission table. But for attachments, there is no way to get the file type. When you use a create file action for SharePoint I have to hard code the file type because it isn't given in the output from Formstack. How do I get to pull an attachment from Formstack Submission table, using the Formstack Power Automate premium action?

Autosave feature

I would like to use Formstack to build forms in Salesforce but I need the fields to auto save as the user types in their answers to each field. Is there an auto save feature or does the user need to click the save button frequently?

Add webhook fields through an API

How to add the following fields in a webhook through an API? I was not able to find these fields in the resources. 1. EMAIL ON FAILURE. 2. Allow full credit card data to be sent through webhook 3. HMAC KEY Thanks

V4 forms - jumping down page

I tried searching for related posts, but not finding any I wanted to ask - with the v4 form update, is anyone else experiencing form-jump? FS is explaining it as an issue with our CMS, but the exact same form in v3 does not jump. I'm not getting any info as to what the conflict might be to even begin troubleshooting. Hoping to find some insight here. I appreciate anyone's time to share their experience.