Webhook and API

Is it inlcuded in Starter plan?

How to handle/catch server side errors returned from Formstack

When trying to submit a value for a unique field where the value has already been submitted, how do we handle or catch the 400/500 errors returned from the server so we can show a custom and more user friendly error message to the user?

Only one auth mechanism allowed

I am trying to utilize the Try It API for the /download/:submission_id/:field_id api. I am getting the following error. Any idea how I can resolve this issue? <Error><Code>InvalidArgument</Code><Message>Only one auth mechanism allowed; only the X-Amz-Algorithm query parameter, Signature query string parameter or the Authorization header should be specified</Message><ArgumentName>Authorization</ArgumentName><ArgumentValue>Bearer xxxxx</ArgumentValue><RequestId>W89VPMM3MYQK76GH</RequestId><HostId>xxxx</HostId></Error>

How can i connect Formstack with sugarcrm

Hi Team, Is there a way to connect formstack to connect with sugarcrm. For example : 1) On Formstack page load : - fetch data on form load from sugarcrm to pre fill values in dropdown. 2) On Formstack form submit : - Submit form to sugarcrm custom api. Sugarcrm use rest api where first api need to generate Token and than pass that token into api. Thanks Zeeshan shaikh

I am not able to create a submission using the{id}/submission.json api

Request is field_x: "field_136217866=testing" read: false Response is { "id": "1049882881", "timestamp": "2022-12-22 12:56:53", "user_agent": "Amazon CloudFront", "remote_addr": "", "payment_status": "", "form": "5095980", "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "data": [] }

Change form url via API

Hi, Is there a way to change a form's URL via the API? I don't see it as a listed body param in the PUT form/:id. Any help would be great!

API calls - Forms with Integrations

Hi, I want use the REST API to return forms with a value of a certain integration (plugin) enabled. I basically want to see via API if a form has Salesforce integration enabled or not. Thanks

Passing salesforce object record data into formstack template

Hi team, how to achieve following scenario. In record detail page, on click of custom button , we are showing formstack template form. But we want record data also in template form. Is there any way to do it?

File Attachments and Zapier

I'm hoping someone here knows the answers because I've had a pretty hard time getting Formstack admin to respond to my questions. I have a form that streamlines receipts for real estate projects and has three attachment spots. We have several projects going on, so even though I have my files going into a specific folder in Google Drive, I used Wufoo and Zapier in the past to move attachments into the folders they needed to go on for each individual project by reading the drop-down option from my form. Unfortunately, Zapier is unable to discover the attachments since Formstack gives the attachments weird default names and cannot read the PDF, PNG, or JPG files that are displayed in Google Drive. For instance: Zapier may search for a file using a field from a form, like the address, which would be 123 Main St, Maintown, GA 30310. Formstack, however, uploads the file using 123MainStMaintownGA30310, resulting in an error. We have SO MANY problems now because of how organised we thought everything was. We just migrated to Formstack because Wufoo cannot customise the user interface, however if there is no fix for this, I am really considering going back. I find it difficult to believe that no other clients have required a similar service. With any other sort of remedy, I've never experienced these problems. With this, Wufoo was quite simple to use, and we never encountered any problems.

Rate limit

Good morning (here on the East Coast of the US). Hope everyone is well. Are there any workarounds to the rate limit of 14400 calls in a day? What if you have more records than that, and you want to pull them down? Thanks for your help.